The AAT Project’s

Grant Program

The AAT Project is proud to offer to those brilliant minds who have been invited to join the Management Company the opportunity to apply to our Grant Program, which is funded by the AAT Foundation.

Benefits of The AAT Project’s Grant Program

A grant is a monetary form of aid that does not need to be repaid, and is most commonly awarded to students who need help paying off educational expenses. This is precisely why awarding grants to the outstanding ambassadors of The AAT Project makes sense, as our company’s mission is to help the underserved world of young geniuses. Below is an outline of the three types of grants that The AAT Project offers.

1. Development of the Individual’s Project

-a grant offered under this category is solely for the purpose of aiding with the development of the individual’s project, whether that be to help with the cost of applying for a patent, constructing a prototype, or simply for supplies.

2. Furthering the Individual’s Education

-a grant offered under this category is solely for the purpose of furthering the individual’s education, whether that be to aid with the cost of college tuition and college related expenses, or any other expenses related to the individual’s education.

3. Personal Need

-a grant offered under this category is for the personal need of the individual, whether that be to secure housing, food, or other basic necessities that are conducive to living a healthy life.

Grant Amounts

Each grant will vary based on the category of the grant, the individual, and his or her project.

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